Tuesday, 22 July 2008

Web Feed Server

Web Feed Server, also known as an RSS Server, enables the distribution, management, reading and tracking of internal and external RSS, ATOM and XML web feeds behind an organization's firewall.[1] Using a web feed server, IT administrators can create users and groups and define subscriptions for each. Typically a web feed server manages the synchronization of web feeds between desktop, browser and mobile RSS readers connected to the server. Additionally, it aggregates the company wide RSS feeds, eliminating the need for individual RSS feed aggregators per computer.

Advantages of Web Feed servers
Enterprise Collaboration
Enterprise 2.0 tools such as blogs and wikis are designed to improve enterprise collaboration. These publishing tools eliminate barriers to conventional communications by encouraging high value content sharing and transparency. A web feed server uses RSS subscription feeds to automatically update team members and manage collaboration.[2]
Behind the firewall web feed servers create a secure, scalable organization-wide web feed environment. Internal and external feeds are authenticated to ensure that private data is kept private while securely stored behind the corporate firewall.

Web Feed Server Providers
Attensa Feed Server
EasyByte RSS Server

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